Switching your supplier FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the switching process.

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Why switch your business water supplier?

Since April 2017, businesses based in England have been able to switch their water supplier, and there can be a number of potential benefits to doing so, from improvements in customer service to lower water bills. Scottish-based businesses have been able to switch their water supplier since 2008.

We’d like to see as many businesses as possible engaging with the open water market, so we’re striving to ensure that all businesses know that they can switch and how easy it is to do so. Here are some of the questions we’re most frequently asked by customers, answered:

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find a supplier?

If your business is based in England or Scotland, you can choose a retailer from either Scotland or England. For a full list of water retailers serving England, visit the Open Water website – you can also find a full list of water retailers serving Scotland on the Scotland on Tap website. 

What information do you need to provide me with a quote?

If you’d like us to provide you with a quote, you’ll need to provide us with your Supply Point Identification (SPID) number – this is a 13-digit number that you can find on your latest water bill.

What’s involved in the switching process?

We’ll contact your existing supplier and the relevant agencies to start the switch and arrange meter readings, to ensure we can provide you with accurate bills from the get-go. We’ll set you up on our billing system and send you an opening bill that contains your meter read information and typical charges.

Ready to take control?
Let us know you’d like to make the switch and we’ll do the rest.

Any questions?

Email sales@sesbusinesswater.co.uk to speak to a member of our commercial team.